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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
History of European Expansion in Global Context 5
History of European Property Law 5
History of Russia 5
History of the Russian Language 10
Honours Class (Honours College FSW) 5
Honours Class (Honours College FSW) 5
Honours Classes (zie voorbeelden van interessante bèta classes in de tekst) 5
Honours Lectures 5
Human Trafficking from a legal, policy-oriented and social science perspective 5
Humanitarianism and Sea Power. Justice and discipline aboard (1780-1880) 10
Identity Shopping in the Roman Empire: Debates around Romanization, Globalization and Acculturation 10
iGEM 2019 18
Imagining South Asia, c.1500-1980 10
Immigration Law 5
Immigration, integration and discrimination 5
Immunobiologie 3
Income Tax 5
Individual Income Taxation 10
Individual Internship (NGO, Museum, etc.) 20
Inleiding Chinees Recht 5
Innovaties in Onderwijs 3
Inscriptions from the ancient world as a source for historians 5
Integrated Mandarin III: intermediate II 5
Integratieopdracht in silico Geneesmiddelontwikkeling 3
Integration: Biomedical Security 3
Intensive Language Instruction Moroccan Arabic Advanced 5
Intentie, motivatie, en het morele brein 10
Intercultural cultural analysis 5
International Tax Law 5
Internet law 5
Internetjournalistiek 5
Internship 1/10
Internship Child and Family Science 15
Internship Citizen’s Legal Advice Bureau 5
Internship Corporate Law 5
Internship Educational Science 15
Internship Forensic Family Studies 20
Internship in psychiatry, public health, elderly and primary care 27
Internship in skin, neural and sensory systems 22
Internship in surgery 20
Internship in women's and children's healthcare 22
Internship Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5
Internship Quality Control/Quality Assurance in a Pharmaceutical Company, including Practical Work, Thesis and Oral Presentation 37
Internship Special needs children in education 20
Interpretation and persuasion. Rhetoric in theory and practice’ 5
Interpretation and persuasion. Rhetoric in theory and practice’ 5
Intimate strangers. Colonial encounters and ideas about human difference 10
Introductie Beleid 5
Introductiecoschap 2
Introduction Bio-informatics 15