
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Prestatiemanagement 5
Preventie, family mediation en behandeling in de forensische context 5
Procedurial Labour Law 5
Profileringsvak: Bijzondere delicten 5
Profileringsvak: Capita selecta Jeugdrecht 5
Profileringsvak: Strafrechtelijk bewijsrecht 5
Public Values and Ethics 5
Quality Management in Pharma and Biotech. Module 1 - The Role of the Qualified Person 2
Real Property Transfer Tax and Turnover Tax 10
Research Group Dutch as a Second Language 10
Researching Africa in the 21st Century 10
Rhetoric in Journalism 5
Rhetorical Fireworks: a Canon of Dutch Speeches 10
Rhetorics of language 10
Safety Policy 10
Semi-artsstage 22
Seminar Legislative Studies 5
Sentencing & Effects of Sentencing 5
Special administrative law (for students of notary law) 5
Special Criminal Law 5
Specialised Course: Environmental Law 5
Specialised Course: Regional government and decentralization 5
Specialised Course: Value Added Tax 5/6
Specialized Course: Immigration law 5
Strategic Management 5
Student assistantship bachelor research assignment 5
Stylistics: Formulation Choices and Persuasiveness 10
Survey Methodology 6
Taalbeheersing in de praktijk 5
Taalkunde in de klas 5
Tax Management 5
Tax Policy Analysis 5
Tax Treaties 5
The Discipline of Public Affairs 5
The Insurance Contract 5
The logic of the media and the public arena 5
The Middle Ages and Renaissance with Louis Couperus 10
The Policy Cycle and the Administrative Arena 5
Thema Overstijgende Opdracht Geneesmiddel 2
Thema Overstijgende Opdracht Patiënt 3
Theory and method of argumentation 10
Theory and Practice of Public Affairs 5
Thesis MPS 15
Thesis MPS 15
Trainers Course Communication Skills 10
Translation Studies 10
Transnational Civil Law 5
Transnational Company Law 5
Tutorial Labour Law (2) 10
Vakdidactiek 2 Wiskunde 5