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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Television Series: From Soap and Sitcom to Must-See-TV 5
Tell el-Dab’a Seminar 5
Tentamen Moderne Letterkunde 5
Tentamen Nederlandse Taalkunde 5
Tentamen Oudere Nederlandse Letterkunde 5
Tentamen Taalbeheersing 5
Text genres 5
Text image analysis 2: poetry, non-mainstream cinema 5
Text, Thought and Culture 5
Texts Seminar 5
The Ancient Near Eastern Royal Court in Diachronic Perspective 10
The Ancient Silk Roads: Global Connectivity & Innovation 10
The Archaeology of Buddhism 5
The Birth of an Empire? The US in the World from the American Revolution to the Late Nineteenth Century 10
The Black Legend. The construction of a negative image of Spain in Europe 10
The Boundaries of Power 5
The Business of Empire: Colonial and Imperial Entrepreneurship, 1415-1974 10
The Caribbean: at the crossroads of four continents 10
The Changing Geopolitics of Energy in Eurasia 10
The Cities of Roman Imperial Italy 10
The City in Latin America 5
The Comic Spirit: Shakespeare's Comedies and Classic Film Comedy 10
The Cultural Field in Practice 5
The Daimonic in Greek Philosophy and Beyond 10
The Decolonization War in Indonesia, 1945-1950: Written and Oral Sources 10
The Desire for the Other: Gender and Ethnicity 5
The Discursive Construction of Human Rights: The Case of Korea‡ 5
The Dutch at Sea, 1600-present 5
The Dutch language as a cognitive system 5
The Dutch language as a cognitive system 2 5
The Dutch Slave Trade from an International Perspective 10
The Enlightenment and its oddities: science, magic and deviant religion 5
The Environment and Global Capitalism 10
The Epic Course: A Pre-Modern Genre in the Modern Digital Realm 10
The European Union in Crisis 5
The European Union Today 5
The First Global Empires: Egypt and the Middle East (1st Mill BC – 7th century AD) 5
The Fringes of Enlightenment: Colonialism and Society in Asia, 1780-1870 10
The fringes of the Enlightenment: ideas of progress and colonial catergoization in Asia, 1700 - 1870 10
The German Language: Advanced 10
The German Language: Basics II 5
The German Language: Intermediate I 10
The Germanic Sandwich. German, Dutch and English 5
The History of European Integration 5
The History of European Integration 5
The History of Everyday Life under Authoritarian Regimes 10
The History of Morocco 5
The Indian Ocean World: Sailors, Scholars, Slaves 5
The Italian city-state in a comparative perspective (1000-1500) 10
The laboratory of the medievalist 5