
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Displacement and Development: Anthropological Perspectives on South Asia (5 EC) 5
Disruptive Innovations in European Prehistory 5
Documentary Film 5
Dramatic Media 10
Dutch cultural history 5
Dutch Painting 1400 – 1950: Introduction to the Art History of the Netherlands, Cultuurwetenschap I 10
Dutch parliamentary democracy 5
Dynamics of Molecule-Surface Reactions (DST) 6
Early Music Lectures 0
Economic Policy in the EU 5
Economic processes in Latin America 5
Economies of South and Southeast Asia 5
Economies of the Middle East 5
Econophysics 6
Effective Field Theory 3
Egyptian Epigraphy 5
Electrochemistry and Bioelectrochemistry (EBE) 6
Elektrische en Magnetische Velden 5
Elementary music theory 1 3
Elliptic Curves (MM) 8
Enforcement & Litigation 5
English-language Popular Culture 5
Entrepreneurial Finance 5
Entrepreneurial Opportunities (ICTiB&PS) 3
Entrepreneurial Opportunities (minor) 5
Entrepreneurial Planning 6
Entrepreneurial Planning (minor) 5
Entrepreneurial Process 3
Entrepreneurial Process (minor) 5
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5
Environmental Criminology 5
Enzyme dynamics: NMR spectroscopy and kinetics (EDNMR) 6
Epistemology 5
Epistolary Approaches: Writing and (Artistic) Research 3
Essentials of EU Law 5
Ethiek (Filosofie) 5
EU Financial Law 10
EU Internal Market Law 5
European and International Intellectual Property Law 4
European Cultural Memory of World War I & II 5
European Expansion and Globalisation, 900-1500 5
European Labour Law 10
European Private International Law in a Global Context 5
Expanded Cinema 5
Experimental Methods I: Design & Techniques 5
Experimental Methods II: Practicals & Projects 5
Experimental Projects 6
Experimentele Natuurkunde 6
Experimentele Natuurkunde (deel 1) 3
Explanatory Criminology Lab 5