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MA Linguistics: Pre-master Modern Languages

Admission to the pre-master's programme

The pre-master’s programme in Linguistics is intended for students with a bachelor’s degree from a research university, equivalent to the level of a Dutch academic Bachelor’s degree, who do not fulfil the entry requirements regarding the knowledge, understanding and skills in the field of linguistics.

It provides a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Linguistics, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in linguistics.

During the pre-master's you will gain the knowledge, understanding and linguistic skills needed for successful participation in the Master’s programme.

Upon successful completion of the pre-master's programme students will be granted unconditional admission to the relevant specialisation of the MA Linguistics.

Please note

A pre-master's programme is not an independent study programme, therefore students cannot apply for admission to the pre-master Linguistics,

only for admission to one of the specialisations of the MA Linguistics.

Upon receiving your application, the Board of Admissions will decide whether you are eligible for admission to the master's or the pre-master's programme. This decision depends largely on your academic background and skills.

MA Linguistics: Linguistics

Applicants with a degree from a university of applied sciences (HBO) are not eligible for admission to the MA Linguistics or pre-master's in Linguistics.

MA Linguistics: Modern Languages

Students holding a Bachelor’s degree from a university of applied sciences (HBO) in one of the modern languages (lower secondary education certificate, tweedegraads) will be admitted to the MA Linguistics - specialisation Modern Languages after completing an individual bridging programme of 60 EC.

This programme always includes a course in Academic Skills.

Structure and duration of the pre-master's programme


The pre-master consists of a package of courses at BA level with a total course load of maximum 60 EC.

The structure and the choice of components of the pre-master depends on the chosen specialisation of the Master's programme

Students can start a pre-master's programme in September and in February.


Depending on your educational background, the pre-master’s programme will constitute a course load of max. 60 EC (1 year). The requirements for the pre-master will consist of a package of courses selected from relevant BA programmes.

Students who have completed relevant linguistic courses during their bachelor's may be exempted from a part of the pre-master's programme by the Board of Admissions.

The prescribed pre-master's programme must be completed within the nominal duration plus one semester (in case of a pre-master’s programme of 30 ECTS-credits or less) or within the nominal duration plus one study year (in case of a pre-master’s programme of more than 30 ECTS-credits).

Holders of an academic bachelor's degree from a research university or an equivalent diploma with no more than 15 credits of deficiencies, may be admitted to the MA programme with a deficiency. This means that you will need to complete the deficient pre-master's courses during your enrolment in the MA Linguistics.

You cannot graduate without successfully having completed the required pre-master's courses.

Tuition fee

Information on the tuition fee for a pre-master's is available on the student website.

English Linguistics

Please note: Linguistics 1 and Philology 1 are first year courses of the BA English Language and Culture and it's not possible to enroll for these courses yourself. Please contact the education coordinator of the BA English and submit a top 3 of preferred tutorial groups.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Compulsory semester I: 30 EC

Phonology I 5
Sociolinguistics (BA Linguistics) 5
Linguistics 1: Analyzing English Sounds and Words 5
Philology 1: Introduction to Middle English Language and Literature 5
Language and Communication 5
Language Acquisition 3: Functional Grammar 5

Compulsory semester II: 30 EC

Morphology 5
Syntax 1 5
Word and Meaning 5
Academic Skills, pre-master 5
Pre-master Final Assignment Linguistics 10

French Linguistics

Please note that an arrow before a course indicates that the course is an elective.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2

French Linguistics: at least 15 EC

Le français dans le monde : introduction à la linguistique française 5
Des sons aux mots 5
Les mots dans la phrase 5
De la forme au sens 5

French Literature: at least 15 EC

Littérature et pensée 5
Francophonies et littératures francophones 10
Littérature de la Renaissance aux Lumières 5
Littérature moderne et contemporaine (1800-aujourd’hui) 5
Littérature médiévale 5

French Culture: at least 5 EC

Culture et société contemporaine (des ‘Trente Glorieuses’ à aujourd’hui) 5
Francophonies et littératures francophones 10

French Linguistics Academic Skills: at least 5 EC

Séminaire: Idées reçues sur le langage : fact-checking et vulgarisation 5

Academic Skills: at least 5 EC

Séminaire : L’immigration à travers le cinéma francophone 5
Séminaire : Les écritures de la vie quotidienne 5
Séminaire : Textes et représentations du Moyen Âge dans la littérature française 5

Additional Courses: 5 EC

Séminaire pratique : Le Français Juridique 5

Pre-masterwerkstuk: 10 EC

Pre-master Final Assignment Linguistics 10

German Linguistics

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Compulsory semester I: 20 EC

Die deutsche Sprache: Vertiefung 10
Core Curriculum: Introduction to Linguistics 5
Sprache von gestern und heute 5

Elective: compulsory 10 EC

Course from BA3, Duitse taal en cultuur 10

Compulsory semester II: 25 EC

The Germanic Sandwich. German, Dutch and English 5
Course from BA3, Duitse taal en cultuur 10
Pre-master Final Assignment Linguistics 10

Elective: compulsory 5 EC

Any course in linguistics, literature or cultural studies from Duitse taal en cultuur 5

Italian Linguistics

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Compulsory semester I: 25 EC

Core Curriculum: Introduction to Linguistics 5
Linguistica Italiana: sintassi e dialettologia 5
Aspetti dell'italiano contemporaneo 5
L’Italia oggi 5
La tradizione novellistica 5

Compulsory semester II: 25 EC

Storia della lingua italiana 5
Capolavori moderni e contemporanei 5
Dante poeta del mondo medievale 5
Pre-master Final Assignment Linguistics 10

Academic Skills: 5 EC compulsory

Werkstuk 2e jaar Italiaans 5

Corsi monografici : 5 EC compulsory

Corso monografico: Sociolinguistica dell’italiano 5