Optional courses Leiden Law School Optional course 2024-20252023-20242022-20232021-20222020-20212019-20202018-20192017-20182016-20172015-20162014-20152013-20142012-20132011-20122010-2011 Link to Optional courses Leiden Law School in the active academic year
2019-2020 Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2 A Europe that serves and protects: the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 5 Aerospace Law 5 Ancient Egyptian Law 5 Labor Relations in the Public Sector 5 Legal argumentation 5 Legal Ethics 5 Construction Law 5 Business Accounting 5 Business Analytics 5 Comparative Corporate Law 5 Comparative Sexual Orientation Law 5 Corporate Social Responsibility 5 Comparative Tort Law 5 Crime and Migration 5 Criminalistics 5 Criminology for Legal Scholars 5 Cyber Law 5 Economic Policy in the EU 5 Entrepreneurial Finance 5 Law of Succession 10 Europe in Practice 5 Global and European Labour Law 10 European Migration Law 5 European Union Law Foundations 5 European Union Law: The Four Freedoms 5 Extracurriculaire optie: keuzevak Notariële studentstage 5 Financial Law 5 Forensic Psychiatry 5 Formeel strafrecht civiel effect 5 History of European Property Law 5 Historical Criminology 5 History of European Public Law 5 Matrimonial Property Law 10 Immigration, integration and discrimination 5 Immigration Law 5 Children and the Law 5 Introduction Cold Cases 5 International Commercial Law 5 International Tax Law For Multinational Enterprises 5 Internet law 5 Introduction to Children's Rights 5 Introduction to European Competition Law 5 Introduction to International Human Rights Law 5 Juridische aspecten van Kindermishandeling 5 Law and Culture 5 Law and Governance in Asia 5 Law and Governance in Africa 5 Law and Governance in Developing Countries 5 Law and Society in Japan 5 Law, Sharia and Governance in North Africa and the Middle East 5 Principles of Economics 5 Protection of Human Rights in Europe 5 Legal English for bachelor students 5 Law, Development and Innovation in China 5 Marketing Management 5 Mass Communication Law 5 Human Trafficking from a legal, policy-oriented and social science perspective 5 Moot Court Public International Law 5 Negotiation & Mediation 5 Real Property Law 10 Public Sector Economics (LAW) 5 People and Organizations 5 Family Law 5 Dutch parliamentary democracy 5 Privacy & Data Protection 5 Protection of the Rule of Law in Europe 5 Law and Literature: reflection on democracy and rule of law 5 Recht in de multiculturele samenleving 5 Philosophy of Law II 5 Socio-legal Studies 5 Rule of law and democracy in a (trans)national context 5 Roman Law - Contract Law 5 Social Law, Labour Law and Restructuring 5 Social Security 5 Internship Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5 Internship Citizen’s Legal Advice Bureau 5 Strategic Management & Leadership 5 Student Parliament 5 Telecommunications Law 5 Trade and Finance in the Global Economy 5 Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy Law 5 Understanding Imprisonment: The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Incarceration 5 Technology and Society: Values and Norms 5 Moot Court Competition Administrative Law 5 Corporate Structures and Legal Entities for the Civil Law Notary 10 Comparative and Private International Law 5