
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Speculative Fiction: The Weird, the Dark, the Wonderful 10
Speech Sounds of the World 5
Spine/Skullbase Surgery & Otolaryngology/Audiology 15
Spoken Arabic: Egyptian 5
Spoken Arabic: Moroccan 5
Sports Data Science 6
Sprache von gestern und heute 5
Spreken/Luisteren 1A, Taalverwerving I 5
Spreken/Luisteren 1B - Taalverwerving I 5
Staats- en Bestuursrecht 5
Staatsrecht 5
Stad in brand: de podcast. Leiden in revolutietijd (circa 1780-1815) 10
Stage - Rechtspraktijk 5/10
Stage Botanisch Tekenen (Hortus botanicus) 3/7
Stage Forensische Gezinspedagogiek 20
Stage Hortus botanicus 5/7
Stage Journalistiek en nieuwe media 10
Stage Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media 10
Stage Juridisch Ondernemerschap en Innovatie 5
Stage Kinderen met leer- en gedragsproblemen in het onderwijs 20
Stage Leerproblemen 20
Stage MA North American Studies 10
Stage Ondernemingsrecht 5
Stage Orthopedagogiek 20
Stage Rechtswinkel 5
Stakeholders, Public Affairs en Maatschappij 10
Star and Planet Formation 6
Stars 5
Start BW: introductie in biomedisch denken 2
State, Economy and Politics in Contemporary China and India 10
State, Politics and Economy in Modern South and Southeast Asia 5
States and Citizens 10
States and Citizens 10
States, Citizens and Migrants 10
Statistical computing with R 6
Statistical Consulting (Psychology) 5
Statistical Consulting (Statistics and Data Science) 5
Statistical genetics 6
Statistical Learning 6
Statistical Learning and Prediction 5
Statistical Mediation and Moderation 5
Statistical Physics 1 6
Statistical Physics 2 6
Statistical Physics a 6
Statistical Physics b 3
Statistics 1 - Description and Inference 5
Statistics 2 - Applied Quantitative Analysis 5
Statistics AN Part 1 3
Statistics and Data Analysis 2
Statistics and Data Science in Practice 3