
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Experimentele Natuurkunde (deel 1) 3
Exploitation of Natural Products 6
Expression écrite 5
Expression et compréhension orales I 5
Expression et compréhension orales II 5
Expression et compréhension orales III 5
Extension Student Research Project 3
External Economic Relations 5
External Project 15
Extra keuzevak i.h.k.v. overgangsregeling 5
Extracurriculaire optie: keuzevak Notariele studentstage 5
Extreme Right in Western Europe: Theory, Methodology and Comparative Approaches 10
F) Profileringsvak: Huurrecht 5
Factchecken 5
Farmaceutische Technologie 5
Farmacie en Kwaliteit 4
Farmacoepidemiologie 3
Farmacologie 6
Farmacotherapie 6
Feminist Philosophy 5
Fictionality, Graphic Novel, and Animated Film 5
Field Assignment African Studies 10
Field Methods 10
Field Research Project NIMAR 15
Field School 1 5
Field school 2 10
Field Techniques 10
Fieldwork (Internship) 10
Fieldwork / Internship 5
Fieldwork / Study Abroad (ResMA) 30
Fighting Epidemics Together: Health Policies Between the Local and the Global 10
Figures & Movements: Philosophy of the Samurai 5
Film and TV Series: from Fantomas to Mr Robot 10
Film en filosofie 10
Filmbenaderingen 10
Filmdocumentaire 5
Filmgenres 5
Filosofie & Religie van China 5
Finance 1 8
Finances in the EU 5
Financial Law 5
Financial Management 3
Financial Management 3
Financial Management (minor) 3
Financial Reporting 5
Financieel Management in de Publieke Sector 5
Finding new causes of thrombosis: the clinical-epidemiological approach. From idea to publication. 6
First Research Project Astronomy 30
Fiscaal Bestuursrecht 10
Fiscaal-economisch beleid 5