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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
European Human Rights Law 10
European Labour Law 10
European Law in Practice - Practicum 10
European Protection of Human Rights 5
Europees Belastingrecht 10
Europees Strafrecht 5
Evaluatie van criminaliteitsbeleid 5
F) Profileringsvak: Huurrecht 5
Finance and Procurement of Aerospace Activities 6
Finance and Procurement of Aerospace Activities Blended Learning 6
Financial Reporting 5
Fiscaal-economisch beleid 5
Forensische accountancy 5
Forensische psychiatrie 10
Forensische victimologie 5
Fundamental Rights & Digital Technologies 5
Fundamental Social Rights 5
Fusies en overnames 5
Governance & Ethics 5
H) Profileringsvak Familievermogensrecht 5
Handhavingsstrategieën 10
Human Rights and European Criminal Law in Context 10
Human Rights Conceptions in a Pluralist World 5
Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Terrorism 5
Human Rights, Security and Fair Adjudication of Justice 5
I) Profileringsvak: Comparative Civil Procedure 5
Ideeëngeschiedenis van het Strafrecht 5
IE Merken- en handelsnaamrecht 5
ILS - Arbeidsrecht in de onderneming 5
ILS - Grondwet in perspectief 5
ILS - Ondernemings- en insolventierecht 5
ILS - Regulering, gedrag en privaatrecht 5
ILS – Global law: legal reasoning in International, EU and national law 5
ILS – Rechtshandhaving in domeinoverstijgend perspectief 5
Inkomsten- en vennootschapsbelasting 10
Inkomstenbelasting 5
Insolventierecht 5
Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Environment 5
Interaction Between Children's Rights And Other International Legal Systems 10
Internationaal belastingrecht II 10
Internationaal en Europees arbeidsrecht 5
Internationaal privaatrecht (civiel) 5
Internationaal privaatrecht (notarieel) 5
International Arbitration 4
International Arbitration in Public International Law 5
International Commercial Arbitration and Litigation 5
International Contract Law 10
International Corporate Law 5
International Criminal Law 5
International Criminal Law 5