
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Erzählungen der deutschen Romantik 5/10
Essential Readings in Economic History 10
EU Law 5
EU Seminar 0
Evolution and Engineering of Living Systems (Delft) 6
Evolution of Earth and Life, examining today's evidence for Origins questions along the coast of Brittany 5
Extension Student Research Project 3
Extracurriculaire optie: keuzevak Notariële studentstage 5
Extreme Right in Western Europe: Theory, Methodology and Comparative Approaches 10
Feminist Theories in Chinese and Japanese Philosophy 10
Film en filosofie 10
Financial Law 5
Fiscale Ethiek 5
Fish species in animal experimentation 2
Flourishing. The Science and Practice of Wellbeing 5
Foreign Policy in the Trump Era 10
Forensische Psychiatrie 5
Formeel strafrecht civiel effect 5
Frontiers of Measurement Techniques 3
Funduqs, vitten, factorijen. Koopliedengemeenschappen, kolonies en de organisatie van internationale handel tot 1600 10
Future perspectives 3
Gender and Sexuality in International Politics 10
General Research Skills 5
Genomic Architecture 6
Global Business Game - CIO Simulation 1
Globalisering en Postkoloniale Literatuurtheorie 10
Graduation Lab 1
Grande Finale: Capstone projects 5
Great Books 5/10
Great Books 5/10
Hardware & Physical Computing 3
Hart- en Vaatziekten 11
Health and Medical Psychology 10
Heerser, huishouden en regering: hoven in de vroegmoderne tijd 10
Hegels Rechtsfilosofie 10
Hervorming van Sociale Regelgeving 5
Het literaire bedrijf 5
Het politieke debat: theorie en praktijk 5
Hiëratische paleografie 5
Hindi Literature 10
Histories of Southeast Asia 10
Histories of Southeast Asia 5
Historische grammatica Grieks 2 5
History of European Integration 5
Holocaust Icons in Arts, Film and Literature (minor) 5
Honours Class (Honours College FSW) 5
Honours Class (Honours College FSW) 5
Honours Classes (zie voorbeelden bèta classes in de tekst) 5
How To Start My Master 1
How to Write a Research Proposal 2