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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Partial Differential Equations (MM) 8
Particle Physics and Early Universe 3
Partiële differentiaalvergelijkingen (TUD) 6
Party Politics in Latin America 10
Past and Future 5
Past, Present and Future: The Philosophy of Time 10
Past, Present and Future: The Philosophy of Time 10
Pathogen Host Interactions 6
Pathologie 3
Patiënt en Apotheker 11
Patterns, Chaos and Bifurcations (BM) 6
Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice 5
Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding: Policy, Practice and Pragmatism 5
Pedagogiek 5
Pedagogiek (ICLON) 5
Pedagogisch Didactisch Handelen II 5
PEIR Lecture Introduction to Japanese Economy 5
PEIR Lecture Politics 5
PEIR Seminar International Politics and Economy of East Asia 5
PEIR Seminar Sino-Japanese Relations 5
PEIR Seminar: Japanese Ghosts, Monsters and the Supernatural 5
Pensioenrecht en Sociale zekerheidsrecht 5
Pensum Grieks 5
Pensum Latijn 5
People and Organizations 5
Perception, Attention and Decision Making 5
Performance Studies and Theatrical Theory 5
Persian 1 Beginners 10
Persian 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Persian 3 Intermediate 5
Persian in Practice 5
Personal & Professional Development III
Personal and Professional Development for new students of Science & Society and of the Individual track 1
Personal and Professional Development II 1
Personal and Professional Impact 5
Personal and Professional Impact for CA-DS 5
Personal flourishing and happiness 5
Personalisering van de Politiek (in Nederland) 10
Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology (IBP) 5
Personen- en familierecht 5
Personen- en familierecht vanuit de minderjarige belicht 5
Personen-, familie- en erfrecht 5
Persoonlijke effectiviteit 1
Persoonlijkheids, Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie 5
Perspectief op Carrièreplanning (POCP) 5
Perspectieven op kunstwetenschappelijk onderzoek en de beroepspraktijk 5
Perspective on Career Planning (POCP) (IBP) 5
Pharmaceuticals from Plants 4
Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology 5
Pharmacology 2