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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Languages of South and Southeast Asia: History, Context and Structure 5
Linguistic History of the Middle East 5
MA Thesis History & Final Exam 20
Major Issues in American History and Culture 10
Masterlanguage: Language variation and change in the history of English 5
Modern Chinese History 5
Modern Korean History 5
Muziek: Inleiding in de jazzgeschiedenis 5
Navigating History: New Perspectives on Maritime History 10
Nederlandse Cultuurgeschiedenis: Nederlands-Indische letterkunde Nederlandse Cultuurgeschiedenis 5
Onderzoeksmethodologie Geschiedenis 5
Optional Courses (MA History) 10
Optional Courses (ResMA History) 20
Oral History 5
Osmaanse Geschiedenis en Cultuur 5
Overzichtscollege Oude Geschiedenis 1: Van Myceens Griekenland tot de Hellenistische wereld 5
Overzichtscollege Oude Geschiedenis 2: Van Romulus en Remus naar Romulus Augustulus 5
Philology 3: History of the English Language 5
Plastic: A cultural history 5
Political History of the Middle East in the 20th Century 10
Practices and Debates in Art History 5
Practicum: Geschiedenis van rechtsfilosofie en ethiek 10
Premodern History of South and Southeast Asia 5
Public Diplomacy: History, Theory, Practice 5
Publieksgeschiedenis 5
Readings in American History 10
Research Design in Culture, History & Society 5
Research Methods: Practising International History 1 5
Research Methods: Practising International History 2 5
Research Methods: Structures of Power in International Relations: History, Organization, and Challenges 5
Research Methods: The Politics of History: Strategic Narratives and Memory Diplomacy 5
Research School Courses (ResMA History) 10
Research Workshop: Sources in Global History 5
Research Workshop: Xenophobia and labour migration: a global history 5
ResMA Thesis History & Final Exam 30
Sacred Kingship at the Crossroads of Area Studies and Global History 10
Scholarly Virtues and Vices: Writing the History of the Humanities (1850-2000) 10
Scriptieseminar Moderne Geschiedenis (LAS) 0
Sovjetgeschiedenis en herinnering 10
Sovjetgeschiedenis en herinnering 10
Sterven en rouwen: een cultuurgeschiedenis van de dood 5
Stuff! Objecten en koloniale geschiedenis 10
Surinamese political history. A specific type of shared history 5
The History of European Integration 5
The History of Hunger Striking as a Political Weapon 10
The Human Planet: How Deep History Shaped the Human World 5
The Prehistory of Anatolia and Cyprus 5
The World of Shi’i Islam: History, Art and Culture 5
Thematic Seminar: International Human Rights: History, Politics, and Economics 10
Thematic Seminar: Terrorism in Modern History 10