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English Language and Culture (part-time)

The bachelor programme English language and culture (part time) consists of four main subjects: Philology, Literature, Linguistics and Language Acquisition. The duration of the BA programme is five years and equals 180 EC.

In the first year of the programme (the propaedeuse) there are no optional courses. In the second and third year most of the programme is obligatory, although students can specialise in a certain field of Literature, Philology or Linguistics. The core curriculum courses are also to be completed in this year. In the fourth/fifth year, Language Acquisition 5 and 6 are obligatory; in addition students choose their specialisation. The bachelor thesis is written in the fifth year. Additionally, students are able to choose a minor or can e.g. do an internship.

First year

The first year (propaedeuse) of the bachelor’s programme consists entirely of courses in the main subjects. In the part-time program the propaedeuse has been split up in two years: 45 EC of first year courses in the first year and 15 EC of first year courses in the second year. You will obtain your propaedeutic diploma after the completion of your second year.

The propaedeuse comprises courses that provide a general overview to orient you to the study of English. The four main subjects of Philology, Literature, Linguistics and Language Acquisition are taught in both semesters in the form of lectures, seminars and language laboratories. The lectures provide the big picture, while the seminars address specific topics.

Alongside the lectures and seminars, mentoring is a compulsory part of the propaedeuse. Here you receive more information on matters such as how the programme works.

Extra teaching hours are scheduled for the entire propaedeuse: six hours for the introduction day and a one-hour introductory meeting/progress meeting with the study advisor. In addition, a question and answer session is held at the end of each semester for each course to prepare you for the exams.

As a bachelor’s student at Leiden University, you will be issued with binding study advice (BSA). This means you must obtain sufficient study credits in the first year of your bachelor’s programme to be permitted to continue studying. To be issued with positive study advice, you must obtain sufficient study credits in the first year of your Bachelor’s programme: 45 EC for full-time students and 30 EC for part-time students. The course Language Acquisiton 1: From Scratch to Print is an additional requirement to the BSA.

For enrollment for first-year courses the following applies:

  • First semester: The education coordinator will divide the students in different tutorial groups. The education administration office will enroll you for the tutorials, lectures and exams/papers.

  • Second semester: different from the first semester, you need to enroll for lectures and exams and papers yourself in MyStudyMap, so first-year students can get used to the university system. The education administration office will enroll you for the tutorial group.

  • Please note: If you are a higher year student and need to take a first-year-course, please contact the education coordinator.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

First semester

Language Acquisition 1: From Scratch to Print 5
Linguistics 1: Analysing English Sounds and Words 5
Literature 1A: Introduction to Literary Studies in English 10
Philology 1: Introduction to Middle English Language and Literature 5
BA English: Mentoring Sessions 0

Second semester

Language Acquisition 2: The Spoken Word 5
Linguistics 2A: The Phonetics of English 5
Linguistics 2B: The Syntax of English 5
Literature 2: English Literature, ca. 1550-1700 5
BA English: Mentoring Sessions 0

Second year

In the second year, you will complete the last propaedeuse courses (Literature 1B and Philology 2) after which you obtain your propaedeutic diploma.

In addition, you have a number of options this year. In Literature you can specialise in American or British Literature. The options you choose in the first semester does not influence the options you have in the second semester.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

First semester

Core Curriculum: Introduction to Linguistics 5
Literature 1B: The Classical and Christian Legacies in Literatures in English 5
Language Acquisition 3: Functional Grammar 5

Specialisation Literature 3

Literature 3A: American Literature, Beginnings to 1865 5
Literature 3B: British Literature in the Long Eighteenth Century 5

Second semester

Philology 2: Introduction to Old English Language and Literature 10
Language Acquisition 4: Dimensions of Written Text Composition and Generation 5

Specialisation Literature 4

Literature 4A: American Literature, 1865-1917: The Age of Realism 5
Literature 4B: British Literature in the Long Nineteenth Century 5

Third year

In the third year you follow a number of mandatory courses. You can specialise within Philology in either the Middle English period or Early Modern English period in the second semester.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

First semester

Linguistics 3A: The Syntax of English 5
Linguistics 3B: The Phonology of English 5
Philology 3: History of the English Language 5

Second semester

Core Curriculum: Philosophy of Science 5
English-Language Popular Culture 5
Linguistics 4: English Phonology and Syntax 5

Specialisation Philology 4

Philology 4A: Highlights of Medieval English Literature 5
Philology 4B: Early Modern Everyday English 5

Fourth/Fifth year

The fourth/fifth year is as follows:

Compulsory courses:

  • Language Acquisition 5

  • Language Acquisition 6

In addition, you choose one 10 EC specialisation course from:

  • Philology: one 10 EC course or

  • Literature: one 10 EC course or

  • Linguistics: one 10 EC course
    Please note: you do not have to follow a 10 EC specialization course each semester. You only have to follow one specialization course in total (so Philology, Literature or Linguistics).

In addition, you have 30 EC elective space, in which you either:

  • choose a minor;

  • can do an internship or study abroad;

  • choose an individual course package of electives worth 30 EC. It is also possible to take more 10 EC specialization courses as an elective package.
    For more information, see the relevant course description: Minor or electives BA English.

You also write a bachelor’s thesis. For more information see the course description and the website of the English programme.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

First semester

Language Acquisition 5: Theories and Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 5

Specialisation Linguistics 5

Linguistics 5A: English Sounds and Words in the Mental Lexicon 10

Specialisation Literature 5

Literature 5A: American Literature, 1917 to the present 10
Literature 5B: Modern(ist) and Contemporary Literatures in English 10
Literature 5D: Introduction to American Film 10

Specialisation Philology 5

Philology 5A: Old English Literature and Culture 10
Philology 5B: Late Modern English 10

Second semester

Language Acquisition 6: Language Learning and Teaching 5

Specialisation Linguistics 6

Linguistics 6A: Language Change 10

Specialisation Literature 6

Literature 6: Shakespeare and Memory 10

Specialisation Philology 6

Philology 6: Middle English Literature and Culture 10

BA Thesis and Thesis Seminars

BA Thesis English Language and Culture 10
Language Acquisition and Linguistics thesis seminar
Literature thesis seminar
Philology thesis seminar

Minor or Electives

Minor or Electives BA English 30


Instead of a minor, you can choose your own package of electives. This can comprise courses from your own or another programme.

If you are studying English Language and Culture and want to put together a package of optional courses, you can choose from the courses below (except for those courses that are part of the regular curriculum). You can register through MyStudyMap but must first have your chosen package approved by the Board of Examiners and if needed you consult your study advisor. For the latter, see the procedure on the website under electives.

If you are studying another programme, you must first contact the study advisor to discuss the possibilities and how to register.

The study advisor can also help you put together a package of electives. For an overview of elective courses in the BA English Language and Culture, please check here.

Career Preparation

Career Preparation in English Language and Culture

The programme

The curriculum of English Language and Culture offers you a multi-faceted programme in which you will study the language in all its varieties, from Old English, through its intermediate stages, down to the many different forms of the language currently in use. You will also be studying British and American literature in their cultural-historical context.
How can you use this knowledge and the skills that you acquire? Which specialisation should you choose within your study programme and why? What skills do you already have, and what further skills do you still want to learn? How do you translate the courses that you choose into something that you’d like to do after graduation?
These questions and more will be discussed at various times during your study programme. You may already have spoken about them with your study advisor, the Humanities Career Service or other students, or made use of the Leiden University Career Zone. Many different activities are organised to help you reflect on your own wishes and options, and give you the chance to explore the job market. All these activities are focused on the questions: ‘What can I do?’, ‘What do I want to do?’ and ‘How do I achieve my goals?’.


You will be notified via the Humanities website, your study programme website and email about further activities in the area of job market preparation. The following activities will help you to thoroughly explore your options, so we advise you to take careful note of them:

First year

  • Introductory interview with study advisor

  • Mentoring and Academic Skills

  • Study career session with student mentors and teaching staff mentor

  • Introduction to the the Humanities Career Service

Second year

Third year

Study abroad

Studying abroad is a great way to broaden your horizons. It’s beneficial for both your academic and personal development. Not only will you gain new experiences, but you’ll also learn to get by in a different environment. A period of study abroad is an asset on your CV. With the increasing internationalisation of job markets, many employers regard international experience as a real advantage.

Exchange programmes

Exchange programmes offer an easy way to study abroad. You’ll study at a university that has an agreement with Leiden University and, in return, a student from that university will come to study here.

You can apply for a spot through two different programmes:

  1. Erasmus+ with partner universities within Europe
  2. University-wide exchange programme with partner universities outside Europe

More information? Please check this website on studying abroad.


Harting is a selective programme that offers ambitious students of English language and culture with good grades an opportunity to study a full academic year in Britain or Ireland. Participating universities include Newcastle University, University College London, University of Southampton, University of York, University College Dublin and the National University of Ireland Galway. For more information about the programme or the selection procedure, please contact: Daný van Dam. More information can also be found on this website.

Summer and winter schools

Summer and winter schools are short programmes that you can follow during the holidays, which means your studies won’t be effected. Some summer and winter schools award credits, others don’t. In general, you will have to pay a fee.
More information? Please check this website on studying abroad.

Other options

Going abroad independently

Instead of going on exchange, you could choose to go abroad independently. This is an option if you want to go to a destination that doesn’t have an exchange agreement with Leiden University, or if you missed out on an exchange place.


An internship or research project abroad is not only a fun and educational experience, it's also a great asset to your CV. As job markets are becoming increasingly international, employers tend to view international experience as a big advantage. Read more about how to arrange an internship or project abroad.

More information? Please check this website on studying abroad.

Studying in the UK

Are you a Leiden University student (thinking of) studying in the UK? On this webpage you can find out more about the impact of Brexit for current and prospective EU students of Leiden University studying abroad in the UK.

Transferable skills

Future employers are interested not only in the subject-related knowledge that you acquired during your study programme, but also in the ‘transferable skills’. These include cognitive skills, such as critical thinking, reasoning and argumentation and innovation; intrapersonal skills, such as flexibility, initiative, appreciating diversity and metacognition; and interpersonal skills, such as communication, accountability and conflict resolution. In short, they are skills that all professionals need in order to perform well.
It is therefore important that during your studies you not only acquire as much knowledge as possible about your subject, but that you are also aware of any general skills you have gained in the process and the further skills you still want to acquire. The course descriptions in the e-Prospectus of English Language and Culture include, in addition to the courses’ learning objectives, a list of the skills that they aim to develop.
The skills you may encounter in the various courses are:

  • Collaboration

  • Persuasion

  • Doing research

  • Self-directed learning

  • Creative thinking

The BA English programme does not include any courses that specifically prepare for the job market. For all that, you will encounter all the above-mentioned skills in the courses you will be taking. You just need to identify them, but they are all there. In addition, there is the possibility for students to do internships (for credits): these will give you a good idea about particular sectors on the job market you might be interested in – or not, as the case maybe. Find out more about this on the website of the Leiden University Career Zone (see link above).

And then there are a number of job related minors, such as the educational minor (if you want to be a teacher), or the translation minor (if translation is something you are interested in), but there are various others as well. You will find a full list here. So, plenty of opportunities for you to prepare for a career after you finish you studies!

Two more tips: read the report on the 2016 employment survey our Faculty’s career service produced, and join the university’s mentor network. There are a lot of people in the network very eager to help you find your way onto the job market. They specifically joined the network to help people like you!


If you have any questions about career choices, whether in your studies or on the job market, you are welcome to make an appointment with the career adviser of the the Humanities Career Service 071-5272235, or with your study advisor.

More info

Learning outcomes of the programme

For information about the learning outcomes of the programme, see the Course and Exmination Regulations.

At the end of the programme, bachelor’s students also possess skills and knowledge that are further tailored to their field of specialisation. For more details see:

Binding Study Advice (BSA)

For further information on the BSA Regulation and the associated study guidance plan, see:
Please note: the course Language Acquisition 1: From Scratch to Print is an additional requirement to the BSA.

The programme

The English Language and Culture programme has four specialisations: Philology, Literature, Linguistics and Language Acquisition.

First year: propaedeuse
The first year of the bachelor’s programme consists of mentoring and courses in the main subjects, i.e. the above disciplines. All full-time students also take part in the compulsory mentoring.

The mentor group is identical to the work group and the meetings are scheduled in the timetable. In the different mentor meetings, you can ask informal questions about various topics associated with studying. You also learn about important matters such as how to avoid plagiarism. The student-mentors can help you by sharing their own experiences, and can also show you around the University and city. There is also time for social activities to help you get to know the other students better outside classes.

Second year
Most departments expect you to meet certain conditions before you can take their second-year courses. If you have not met all the requirements for the propaedeuse, take good note of the entry requirements for the second-year courses. In the second year, you also look at how to develop your study plan, which is compulsory from the second year.

In both semesters of the second year, you follow compulsory courses in the four main subjects. You also follow two culture courses that span the main subjects. Within Literature you can choose American or British literature in the first and second semester. In the second semester of Philology, you can choose one of two specialisations. You have to decide which options you will choose before the start of the semester. You do so in your study plan and register through uSis.

In the second year, you also follow the Introduction to Linguistics course together with students from other Humanities programmes.

Third year
In the third year, you follow compulsory courses in the four main subjects. You also follow Philosophy of Science.

Fourth/Fifth year
In the fourth/fifth year you follow Language Acquisition 5 and 6, as well as one 10 EC specialisation. You write your bachelor’s thesis in your fifth year. You also need to earn 30 EC of elective credits.

Mandatory attendance
Seminar attendance is compulsory. You may miss a maximum of two of the 13 meetings per subject (if you have a valid reason and provided younotify the lecturer and the study coordinator before the seminar that you will miss). If you have not prepared, do not participate and/or fail to bring the course material for a particular week, this may also count as absence.

If you miss more than two seminars, you must contact the study advisor. If the study advisor believes there are special circumstances, they may decide that the maximum two absences do not apply. The study advisor will consult your lecturer(s) and inform you and your lecturer(s) of their decision.

You may request an exemption from apply to the Board of Examiners for exemption from a course on the basis of a previously completed equivalent course, with one exception. For the procedure, please contact the teaching administration and/or study advisor.

Exam resits
Each course provides an explanation of the form of examination and any resits.
You must always resit any exams for which your final mark is a fail (i.e. lower than 5.5). There is a maximum of three resits for courses you passed during your entire bachelor’s degree programme. You must take the resit in the same academic year in which you passed the exam or partial exam that you are resitting.
You must submit a request to the Board of Examiners in good time if you wish to resit a passed exam or partial exam.

Transitional provisions

Due to changes in the BA English Language and Culture programme, transitional provisions will apply. Courses listed in the left column which are no longer offered are replaced by courses listed in the right column.

Transitional provisions as of September 2022

Old programme course New replacement course
Linguistics 1: The Phonetics of English (5 EC) Linguistics 1: Analysing English Sounds and Words (5 EC)
Linguistics 2: The Syntax of English (10 EC) Linguistics 2B: The Syntax of English (5 EC) + Linguistics 3A: The Syntax of English (5 EC)

Transitional provisions as of September 2023

Old programme course New replacement course
Linguistics 2: English Phonetics and Syntax (10 EC) Linguistics 2A: The Phonetics of English (5 EC) + Linguistics 2B: The Syntax of English (5 EC)
Linguistics 3: The Syntax of English: Present and Past (5 EC) Linguistics 4: English Phonology and Syntax (5 EC)
Linguistics 4: The Phonology of English (5 EC) Linguistics 3B: The Phonology of English (5 EC)

Transitional provisions as of September 2024

Old programme course New replacement course
Literature 5B: Anglo-American Modernism (5 EC) / Literature 6: Contemporary Literatures in English (5 EC) Literature 5B: Modern(ist) and Contemporary Literatures in English (5 EC)

Students who have not yet passed ‘English Language and Linguistics: Tools and Methods’ have to follow the non-curricular and online course ‘English Language and Linguistics: Tools and Methods’ in 2024-2025. For a description of the course in 2022-2023, please see the prospectus description.


In the fourth/fifth year of the bachelor’s programme, you must earn 30 EC (15 EC per semester) of electives. For more information on how to earn these see:

Full-time and part-time

The Bachelor’s degree programme in English Language and Culture is a full-time or part-time programme. The description of the full-time programme can be found in this e-Prospectus.

Bachelor’s thesis and graduation requirements

To graduate, you must have passed the programme of 180 EC, met the requirements for the elective credits and successfully completed your bachelor’s thesis.

The bachelor’s thesis is a paper worth 10 EC and must be between approx. 7,500 and a maximum of 10,000 words in length, excluding footnotes, bibliography, and appendices. Appendices should be submitted as a separate file.

You develop two possible topics and submit these to the Board of Examiners before the start of the semester in which you will write the thesis. The Board of Examiners appoints a supervisor for one of the two topics. The supervisor then helps you write a thesis proposal, which you submit to the Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners uses the thesis application form to evaluate your proposal and appoints a second reader. Then you attend a compulsory thesis seminar. For more information, see the course description for the third year.

The regulations and important deadlines for the BA thesis can be found at:

Subsequent degree programmes

A Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Culture grants you direct access to the one-year Master’s programme in Linguistics, Modern Languages track, or the one-year Master’s programme in Literary Studies, English Literature and Culture track. If you hold a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Culture and have completed the minor in Translation, you have direct access to the one-year Master’s programme in Linguistics, Translation track, but will have to request admission.

Depending on your results, you may also be granted access to a two-year research master’s programme, for instance Literary Studies or Linguistics. You can also apply for admission to another related master’s programme such as the Master’s programme in Media Studies, Book and Digital Media Studies track, or the Master’s programme in Linguistics, Language and Communication track, or the Master’ s programme in North American Studies.

After graduating from the one-year Master’s programme in English Literature and Culture or Modern Languages, you may wish to train as a secondary-school teacher. You can choose to follow the Master’s degree in Education at ICLON (one year full-time, two years part-time), which qualifies you to teach in all types of secondary education. If you have followed the Minor in Education during your bachelor’s degree (only possible if you pass the first and second year) and have already earned a master’s degree, you can follow the shorter teaching training programme (30 EC instead of 60 EC).

For more information on the various master’s programmes and the application procedure, see: