
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Mechanical Metamaterials 6
Mechanisms of Disease 6
Mechanisms of disease 1 7
Mechanisms of disease 2 7
Media and Communication Theory 5
Media and Fundamental Rights 5
Media Arabic 5
Media Persian 5
Media Worlds 5
Media, Art, Theory 10
Mediation 5
Medical Anthropology 5
Medical Biotechnology 1 3
Medical Biotechnology 2 3
Medical Education 15
Medicinal Chemistry (minor vak) 5
Medieval epic romance in the Low Countries 5
Medieval Lowlands 5
Medieval paleography 5
Medieval Philosophy 5
Medievalisms: References to the Middle Ages in Modern Culture 10
Medische Genetica 8
Memory and trauma in times of Transition 10
Mental Health and Illness 5
Mentoraat 0
Mentoraat (Studievaardigheden) BFW 1
Mentoraat BA1 Japanstudies 0
Mentoraat BA1 Koreastudies 0
Mentoraat Bestuurskunde Ba1
Mentoraat GLTC 0
Mentoring Sessions
Merchants, Religion and Culture: Competition, Conflict and Negotiation in the World Trade, 1500-1800 10
Mergers and Acquistions 5
Merleau-Ponty´s Political Thought 10
Meta Media 2
Metabolic Engineering 4
Metabolic Network Analysis (BM) 6
Metabolisme 1 5
Metabolisme 2 6
Metabolomics 6
Metals and Life (MAL) 6
Metaphor and Rhetoric in Science & Law 5
Metaphysics 5
Metaphysics 5
Methoden en Technieken 1: bronnenonderzoek, objecten en teksten 5
Methoden en Technieken 3: kwantitatief onderzoek 5
Methoden en Technieken van de Rechtswetenschap 5
Methoden en Technieken van Politicologisch Onderzoek 10
Methoden en technieken van wetenschappelijk onderzoek 4