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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Profileringsvak: Bijzondere delicten 5
Profileringsvak: Capita selecta Jeugdrecht 5
Profileringsvak: Strafrechtelijk bewijsrecht 5
Property Law 5
Public Sector Economics (LAW) 5
Real Property Law 10
Real Property Transfer Tax and Turnover Tax 10
Recht in de multiculturele samenleving 5
Reform of Social Legislation 5
Roman Law 5
Roman Law - Contract Law 5
Rule of law and democracy in a (trans)national context 5
Safety Policy 10
Scriptie Jeugdrecht 5
Scriptie master Notarieel recht 10
Scriptie master rechtsgeleerdheid 10
Seminar Legislative Studies 5
Sentencing & Effects of Sentencing 5
Social Law, Labour Law and Restructuring 5
Social Security 5
Socio-legal Studies 5
Special administrative law (for students of notary law) 5
Special Criminal Law 5
Specialised Course: Environmental Law 5
Specialised Course: Regional government and decentralization 5
Specialised Course: Value Added Tax 5/6
Specialized Course: Immigration law 5
Staatssteun: juridische uitdagingen in theorie en praktijk 5
Stage - Rechtspraktijk 5/10
Strategic Management & Leadership 5
Student Parliament 5
Student-assistent onderzoek (participatie in en bijdrage aan facultair wetenschappelijk onderzoek) 5/10
Substantive Criminal Law 10
Tax Ethics 5
Tax Management 5
Tax Policy Analysis 5
Tax Treaties 5
Taxation of Enterprises 10
Telecommunications Law 5
The Insurance Contract 5
Theoretical Criminology 10
Thesis master fiscal law 10
Transnational Civil Law 5
Transnational Company Law 5
Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy Law 5
Tutorial Labour Law (1) 10
Tutorial Labour Law (2) 10
Value Added Tax and Real Estate Transfer Tax 5
Victims 5