
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Academic Writing 5
Academische Vaardigheden: Data-analyse 5
Academische Vaardigheden: Onderzoeksontwerp 5
Academische Vorming 3 1
Actuele juridische zaken en vraagstukken 5
Ad fontes. Sources for Early Modern History 5
Administrative Law 5
Adoptie en pleegzorg in pedagogisch perspectief 5
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics II: Emergent field theories 6
Aesthetics 5
African History and Anthropology 2: Media and Power 10
Algebra 3 6
Analysis of Literary texts, Language Acquisition II 5
Ancient historiography for ancient historians 5
Apotheekbereidingen en Analyse 11
Apotheker en Maatschappij 4
Approaches to Film 10
Approaches to Literature 5
Approaches to Literature 1 10
Approaches to Literature 2 10
Arabic Linguistic Diversity 5
Archivistics: seeking, finding and using digital and analogue archives 5
Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 10
Audiovisual Journalism 10
Autocracy and Legitimacy: Emperorship in Ancient Rome 10
Bachelor Internship Art History 10/15
Bachelorseminarium algebra, meetkunde en getaltheorie 18
Bachelorseminarium analyse, stochastiek en besliskunde 18
Behandeling: interventies binnen de orthopedagogiek 5
Beleid 1: Beleids- en besluitvorming (minor OBBM) 5
Beleid 3: Beleidsevaluatie 5
Bestuursactiviteiten 1/5
Bestuurskundig onderzoek (NL Premaster) 5
Beyond the threat 5
Beyond the Village Walls. Mobility and the History of South Asia, c.1500-1900. 10
Bio-Informatics 8
Biomedical Academic Scientific Training-3 (BAST-3) 2
Biotechnology, Integrated laboratory course 4
Boekgeschiedenis in de Praktijk 5
Bureaucratic Revolution 5
Business Internship 20/30/40
Caleidoscoop (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3
Caleidoscoop (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3
Caleidoscoop semester 2 (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3
Capita Selecta Corporation Tax 5
Chemical Biotechnology (CBT) 6
Chemical Product Design (CPO) 6
Chemistry and Physics of Solid Materials 6
Child Maltreatment and Youth Policy: Decisions and Implementation. 5