
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Bachelorscriptie: Rechtsgeleerdheid 5
Beleid 3: Beleidsevaluatie 5
Bestuursactiviteiten 1/5
Beyond the threat 5
Beyond the Village Walls. Mobility and the History of South Asia, c.1500-1900. 10
Bio-Informatics 8
Boekgeschiedenis in de Praktijk 5
Bureaucratic Revolution 5
Caleidoscoop semester 2 (HC Bèta & Life Science) 3
Chemical Product Design (CPO) 6
Child Maltreatment and Youth Policy: Decisions and Implementation. 5
Children and the Law 5
Chinese film and society 5
Chinese Filosofie II 5
Chinese literature: poetry 5
Chinese taalkunde: syntaxis 5
Chinese taalkunde: typologie 5
Cinema: Complex Narratives 5
Colonial and World History: Dutch Sources as Window to the World 5
Colonial Wars: a military perspective on Modern Imperialism and Decolonisation 10
Comparative and Private International Law 5
Construction Law 5
Contemporary novels 5
Corporate Structures and Legal Entities for the Civil Law Notary 10
Creative Writing: Four crucial Choices 5
Criminological Research in Practice 10
Criminology for Legal Scholars 5
Critical Thinking, Critical Writing 5
Data Science 6
Data Science and Process Modelling 7
Design of Sustainable Biotechnological Processes 5
Diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
Digital editing of literary texts 5
Digital History 5
Digitale Cartografie voor Historici 5
Diplomacy and Publicity: European Peace Conferences and Publicity in the Dutch Republic 10
Discourse analysis 5
Diversity and Early Modern Empires: an Economic and Social Perspective 10
Dutch parliamentary democracy 5
Early Modern Paelography 5
Ecologie 1 6
Empires in Asia 1200-1800 5
Entrepreneurial Finance 5
Environmental Criminology 5
Ethical and Legal Issues in Pricing Management 5
Etnografisch onderzoek 5
European Economic Integration 5
Excellentie voor de Klas 5
Family Law 5