
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Praktijk 2 – Bovenbouw 10
Praktijkoriëntatie 3
Praktische Sterrenkunde 6
Presenteren en Communiceren 1
Princes, households, and government: the early modern court 10
Professional Child Care 5
Program Correctness 6
Programming 6
Programming Techniques 6
Projectieve meetkunde 6
Psychology of Religion 5
Public Affairs 5
Public Financial Management 5
Public Management 5
Public Policy in Latin America 5
Public Values and Ethics 5
Qualitative Methods 5
Quantum Chemistry and Physics (QCF) 6
Quantum Mechanics 2 5
Reading and interpreting historical literature 5
Reading list Greek/Latin 5
Reading Old Babylonian 5
Reading/Vocabulary 1B - Language Acquisition I 5
Readings from the Dead Sea Scrolls 5
Real Property Law 10
Regular BA course 5
Regular BA course 5
Religion and media 5
Religions of Antiquity 5
Requirements Engineering 6
Research Project 2 6
Research Trainee incl. thesis 17
Rhetoric and Law 5
Rhetorics and Politics 5
Romaanse taalkunde 5
Russian for Special Purposes 5
Russian Language Acquisition as an Elective B 5
Russische firm 10
Russische grammatica 1B 10
Russische leesvaardigheid 2B 5
Russische leesvaardigheid 3 5
Russische taalverwerving 1B 10
SC Lecture Law and Society 5
Science Skills Lab 5
Scriptie MA Neerlandistiek (alle specialisaties) 20
Scriptieseminar 5
Scriptieseminar GLTC 0
Selected Bibliography [Capita Selecta] and Bachelor Thesis (5+10 EC) 10 + 5
Seminar Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean World 2 5
Seminar Ancient Near East Studies 3 5