
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Forensic Victimology 5
Forensische gezinspedagogiek: ontwikkelingspsychopathologie en diagnostiek 5
Free Component 10
General Principles of Tax Law 5
Gezin en Geneesmiddel 12
H) Specialized course Civil Family Law 5
Historical sociolinguistics: the language of Leiden 10
Historische letterkunde in de klas 5
Human Resource Management 5
ILS - Labour Law in the Enterprise 5
ILS - Ondernemings- en insolventierecht 5
ILS - Regulering, gedrag en privaatrecht 5
ILS – Law enforcement across legal areas 5
ILS – The Constitution in Perspective 5
In the Dutch mountains: modern travelliterature in and of The Netherlands 10
Income Tax 5
Infectieziekten en Immunologie 12
Inheritance and Gift Tax and Estate Planning 10
Insolventierecht 5
Interagency Positioning of Insurance Law 5
International and European Labour Law 5
International Financial Transactions 10
International Tax Law II 10
Internship Arts and Culture 10
Internship Corporate Law 5
Internship Quality Control/Quality Assurance in a Pharmaceutical Company, including Practical Work, Thesis and Oral Presentation 37
Introduction MPS 5
IP Copyright Law 5
IP Patent Law 5
IP Trademarks and Tradenames 5
Juridification 5
Jurisprudence and Civil Law 5
Jurisprudence and Penal Law 5
Jurisprudence and Public International Law 5
Jurisprudence and Public Law 5
Juvenile Justice 5
Kinderen met speciale onderwijsbehoeften 5
Law on administrative procedures (Ma) 5
Legislation of Production of Medicinal Products 2
Liability of Public Authorities 5
Literature and culture in Antwerp (1300-1600) 10
Literature and politics: the case of South-Africa 10
Literatuur en burgerschap. Nederlandse identiteit van de vroegmoderne tijd tot vandaag. Online cursus. 10
Lob und Veriss. Literaturkritisches Schreiben vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert 10
LOT Summer School/Winter School 10
MA Scriptieseminar Taalbeheersing 0
MA Thesis JNM 10
Maatwerkblok Pedagogiek 5
Master Thesis 24
Master Thesis: Forensic Criminology 20