
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Lijn Beroepsvorming jaar 2 5
Lijn Beroepsvorming jaar 3 4
Lijn Professionele Vaardigheden jaar 1 10
Lijn Samenwerking, Gezondheidsbevordering en Leiderschap jaar 2 2
Lijn Samenwerking, Gezondheidsbevordering en Leiderschap jaar 3 3
Lijnonderwijs Communication in Science-1 (CiS-1) 3
Lijnweek Ethiek en Recht 10
Lijnweek Preventie en Gezondheidsbevordering 10
Line Academic Scientific Training Year 2 5
Line Academic Scientific Training Year 2 for International students 2
Lineaire Algebra 1 (Wiskunde variant voor dubbelstudenten met Wiskunde) 6
Lineaire Algebra 1 NA 6
Lineaire algebra 2 6
Lineaire Algebra 2 NA 6
Lineaire algebra en differentiaalvergelijkingen (LINDIF) 6
Linear Algebra 3
Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists 1 3
Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists 2 3
Linear Analysis (BM) 6
Linear and Generalized Linear Models 6
Linguistic Fieldwork A 5
Linguistic Fieldwork B 5
Linguistic variation and modeling 10
Linguistica Italiana: sintassi e dialettologia 5
Linguistics (research) Thesis 30
Linguistics 1: Analyzing English Sounds and Words 5
Linguistics 2A: The Phonetics of English 5
Linguistics 2B: The Syntax of English 5
Linguistics 3A: The syntax of English 5
Linguistics 3B: The Phonology of English 5
Linguistics 4: The Syntax and Phonology of English: Present and Past 5
Linguistics 5A: English Sounds and Words in the Mental Lexicon 10
Linguistics 6B: Abbreviation in Digital Language 10
Linguistics: Linguistics
Linguistics: Modern Languages
Linguistique I: Introduction à la linguistique française 5
Linguistique II: Des sons aux mots 5
Linguistique III: Syntaxe du français 5
Literary Adaptation from Shakespeare to Osofisan 10
Literary Studies: English Literature and Culture
Literary Studies: French Literature and Culture
Literary Studies: German Literature and Culture
Literary Studies: Italian Literature and Culture
Literature 1A: Introduction to Literary Studies in English 10
Literature 1B: The Classical and Christian Legacies in Literatures in English 5
Literature 2: English Literature, ca. 1550-1700 5
Literature 3A: American Literature, Beginnings to 1865 5
Literature 3B: British Literature in the Long Eighteenth Century 5
Literature 4A: American Literature, 1865-1917: The Age of Realism 5
Literature 4B: British Literature: The Nineteenth Century 5