Nederlandkunde/Dutch Studies
In het eerste jaar ligt de nadruk op taalverwerving. In het eerste semester is de voertaal Engels; in het tweede semester zijn alle colleges in het Nederlands. Naast taalverwerving volgen studenten in het eerste semester colleges Art History en Introduction to Dutch Studies, in het tweede semester Taalanalyse en Cultuur en Maatschappij. Het laatste vak is een verplicht BSA-vak. Lees hier meer over het BSA.
In het tweede jaar volgen studenten naast taalvaardigheidsvakken ook inleidende vakken op het gebied van Nederlandse taalkunde, letterkunde en geschiedenis. In dit jaar worden ook vakken Geschiedenis van het Nederlands en Methoden en technieken van letterkundig, taalkundig en historisch onderzoek aangeboden.
In het derde jaar moeten studenten zich specialiseren in Nederlandse taalkunde, letterkunde, geschiedenis of kunstgeschiedenis. De meeste colleges worden dan ook bij een andere opleiding gevolgd: Nederlandse taal en cultuur, Taalwetenschap, Literatuurwetenschap, Geschiedenis of Kunstgeschiedenis. Studenten kiezen een keuzepakket van 30 ects op een van de vier gebieden. Daarnaast volgen ze ook twee colleges van het kerncurriculum: het vak Wetenschapsfilosofie in het tweede semester en, afhankelijk van de specialisatie, Kunstgeschiedenis in mondiaal perspectief, Inleiding literatuurwetenschap, Inleiding taalwetenschap of Inleiding in historische wetenschap. Bij de opleiding Nederlandkunde volgen de studenten het verplichte college Taalvaardigheid III (Woordenschat/Schrijven/Grammatica) en ze schrijven een BA-werkstuk.
Vak | EC | Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
BA-werkstuk | 10 | ||
Kerncurriculum: Wetenschapsfilosofie s2 | 5 | ||
Woordenschat, schrijven en grammatica - Taalvaardigheid III | 10 | ||
keuzevakken |
Inleiding Tweedetaalverwerving | 5 | ||
Kunst en culturele identiteit | 5 | ||
Taal en culturele identiteit | 5 | ||
Topics in tweedetaalverwerving | 5 | ||
afhankelijk van de gekozen specialisatie, kiest de student één van de volgende vakken: |
Kerncurriculum: Inleiding Historische Wetenschap | 5 | ||
Kerncurriculum: Inleiding literatuurwetenschap | 5 | ||
Kerncurriculum: Inleiding taalwetenschap | 5 | ||
Kunstgeschiedenis in mondiaal perspectief | 5 |
Objectives Programme Binding Study Advice (BSA): additional requirements Bachelor’s thesis and graduation requirements
The Dutch Studies Department trains non-native speakers of Dutch to become experts on the Netherlands and the Dutch language. Students acquire extended knowledge of the language and culture of the Netherlands. They also acquire the ability to tackle theoretical and practical problems in a manner consistent with the practice in this field of study. Most of all, students learn to independently reflect on the literature of the field. Graduates have acquired a command of Dutch at C1 level for reading and listening skills. For spoken interaction, speaking and writing, graduates have acquired a B2 level or higher. For more information on these levels, see:
General knowledge of and insight into the field of Dutch Studies (structure and historical development of the Dutch language, an overview of authors, literary movements and works in Dutch literature, an overview of national history and Dutch cultural and art history, and a number of aspects of contemporary Dutch culture and society) and
General knowledge of and insight into the core concepts, scientific apparatus, research methods and techniques used in studying national history, Dutch language and literature, art history and cultural history.
Students in possession of a Bachelor’s degree in Dutch Studies are automatically admitted to the one-year Master’s programme in Dutch Studies. Depending on their study results, students can also be admitted to a two-year Research Master. For more information on the Master’s programmes and the application procedure, see
The first (propedeuse) and the second year of the Bachelor’s programme consist mainly of compulsory courses. In the third year, there is room for a subsidiary subjects (worth a total of 30 ects).
The focus of the Bachelor’s programme in Dutch Studies lies on Dutch language and culture. English will be used as the language of instruction only in the first semester of the first year. Teaching in the first two years concentrates on language acquisition: language acquisition courses represent half the credits in the first year and one third of the credits in the second year. In the first two years, special attention is also paid to the study of language from a scientific perspective.
In addition, the first year includes introductions to Dutch Studies, Dutch Art History and Dutch Culture and Society, while the second year includes introductions to Dutch Linguistics, Literature and History. From the first year onwards, students are trained in research methods and techniques.
In addition to the general requirements, the Department also requires students to have successfully completed the first-year course ‘Introduction to Dutch Culture and Society’ (DSCM1). For information on BSA in English, please see the website: On the homepage, go to ‘Study Manual’. You can also apply for this digital Study Manual. Please send your request to
The third year consists of advanced language training. An important part of the third year is the Core Curriculum consisting of a Philosophy of Science course and one of the following courses: Area Studies, Introduction to Linguistics, Introduction to Historical Studies, Introduction to Literary Studies and Introduction to Religious Studies.
In addition to the main subjects and Core Curriculum subjects, the third year offers students room for subsidiary subjects worth 30 ects. Since students are also required to choose their specialisation and write a Bachelor’s thesis, they are advised to select a subsidiary subject of Dutch Linguistics, Dutch Literature, Dutch History or Dutch Art History.
In order to graduate, students are required to have completed the full 180-credits programme including the main Dutch Studies subjects, the Core Curriculum subjects, a subsidiary subject and the Bachelor’s thesis. To conclude the Bachelor’s programme in Dutch Studies, students must have written a thesis in Dutch of a maximum of 8500 words (10 ects). The thesis research and writing must be carried out independently, under the supervision of a professor. The choice of a supervisor depends on the choice of the thesis subject. The regulations for the Bachelor’s thesis (in Dutch) can be found on: