
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
MA Thesis Seminar 0
MA Thesis Tutorial Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) 5
Maatwerkblok Pedagogiek 5
MACH Lecture Film and Literature in Japan 5
MACH Seminar 5
MACH Seminar Art 5
MACH seminar Classic Japanese 1 5
MACH Seminar Introduction Modern Japanese Literature 5
MACH Seminar Japan's Asian Empire, Images and Realities 5
Machine Learning Theory (MM) 8
Macro- and Monetary Economics and Policy 5
Macroeconomics 5
Macroeconomics (BSK) 5
Macroeconomics (IT) 8
Magnetic Resonance Phenomena 6
Maintaining Law and Order, or Imperial Communication? Imperial Legislation in Late Antiquity 10
Major Issues in American History and Culture 10
Making Human Rights Work 5
Making Human Rights Work: Legal and Non-Legal Strategies 5
Making. Contemporary Art, Materiality, Agency 10
Management and Performance 5
Management and Performance (Exchange) 5
Management in International Administrations 5
Management Science: Business Analytics 3
Managerial Economics, Business and Politics 5
Managing Innovation 3
Managing Innovation (minor Science Based Business) 5
Managing the Digital Business 3
Manchu & Manchustudies I 5
Manchu & Manchustudies II 5
Manchu & Manchustudies III 5
Mandarijn IA 15
Mandarijn IB 10
Mandarijn IIA 5
Mandarijn IIB 5
Mandarijn IIC in China/Taiwan 15
Mandarin 1 Beginners 10
Mandarin 1 Pre-Intermediate 10
Mandarin 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Mandarin 3 Intermediate 5
Mandarin Chinese - Beginners 10
Mandarin in Practice 5
Manuscript Book in the West 5
Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage Management 5
Marketing 3
Marketing 4
Marketing (minor Science Based Business) 3
Marketing Analytics 3
Marketing Management 5
Marketing Management & Culture 5