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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Text Mining 6
The Adolescent Brain 5
The Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire 5
The Arts of Logistics 3
The Boundaries of Power 5
The City in Latin America 5
The Dutch language as a cognitive system 5
The Dutch language as a cognitive system 2 5
The Electronic Structure of Solids 6
The Epic Course: A Pre-Modern Genre and its digital disclosure 10
The First Global Empires: Egypt and the Middle East (1st Mill BC – 7th century AD) 5
The Germanic Sandwich. German, Dutch and English 5
The History of European Integration 5
The History of Morocco 5
The Human Planet: How and Why We Began to Shape the Earth System 5
The Human Planet: How Deep History Shaped the Human World 5
The Human Planet: How Globalisation Shaped the Human World 5
The Indian Ocean World: Sailors, Scholars, Slaves 5
The Invention of the German Culture: Literature from 1700 till 1914 5
The Invention of the German Culture: Literature from 1700 till 1914 5
The learning brain 5
The learning brain 5
The Living Quran 5
The Making of the Modern Middle East (1870-1940) 10
The Material City 5
The Medieval in Middle-Earth: J. R. R. Tolkien and Old English Philology 10
The murder and its aftermath. The Holocaust and the Netherlands, 1940 to the present 5
The Netherlands in Antiquity: Rebel Province at the Limes or Example of Roman Civilization 5
The older individual 10
The Past in the Present: Nation-building in Modern China (10 EC) 10
The place of the political in Latin American literature and cinema 10
The Politics of Destruction: Targeting World Heritage 10
The Power of Words 5
The Psychology of Economic Behaviour 5
The Rise and Decline of American Empire 10
The Russian Economy 10
The Science of Words 10
The Study of Historical Literature in Practice 5
The United States and the Global Environment 10
The Visual and Material Culture of Exchange in Asia and Europe, 1500-1800 10
The Written Legacy of Hittite Anatolia 10
Themes in Arabic Literature: Bandits and Outlaws 10
Themes in Arabic Literature: Bandits and Outlaws, Fact and Fiction (ResMA) 10
Theoretical Approaches to Modernities in Latin America 10
Theory and method of argumentation 10
Theory of Condensed Matter 6
Theory of General Relativity 6
Theory of Spectroscopy and Molecular Properties (TSMP) 6
Third Cinema 5
Tibet: State and Society 5