
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Klassiek Chinees 3a 5
Klassiek Egyptisch 5
Klassiek Japans 2 5
Klassieke Perzische teksten 5
Klinische vaardigheden (Diagnostiek en Behandeling) 5
Kolonialisme in context: Brits-Indië, ca.1750-1950. 10
Koptisch 1 10
Koreaanse geschiedenis tot 1876 5
Korean 1 15
Korean 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Korean for Academic Purposes 3 5
Korean Language in Use 5
Krise und Kritik: Literatur von 1914 bis 2015 5
Kritische theorie 10
L’Italia oggi (Cultuurkunde) 5
L’italiano contemporaneo 10
La Querelle des Femmes: Gender and Textual Revolution in Medieval England and France 10
La tradizione novellistica 5
Laat Cursief (Abnormaal) Hiëratische Papyrologie I 10
Language acquisition 5
Language Acquisition 1: From Scratch to Print 5
Language Acquisition 3: Grammar in Writing 5
Language Acquisition 5: Theories and Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 5
Language and Communication 5
Language and culture of the Indo-Europeans 5
Language and Linguistics: Tools and Methods 5
Language and Thought 5
Language Documentation 5
Language Documentation 5
Language typology 5
Language, Culture and Cognition 10
Language, Power and Identity 5
Languages of the World 5
Large Issues, Small Places: Theorizing Ethnographic Research 10
Latijn taalverwerving 1 (B/C-groep) 5
Latijn Taalverwerving 1a (A-groep) 5
Latijn voor iedereen: basiscursus grammatica en leesvaardigheid 1 5
Latijns-Amerika in Woord en Beeld 5
Latijnse Epiek 5
Law and Security 5
Law, Governance and Development (LAW) 5
LCA Practice & Reporting 9
Leading and Managing People 5
Learning, cognition and the brain 5
Legal Perspectives on the Governance of Migration and Diversity 5
Legitimacy and Political Obligation 10
Lerarenvak Fundamenten (MM) 6
Leren en cognitie 5
Letteratura (anti)eroica: trasformare, adattare, riscrivere 10
Letterkunde I: Introduction à la littérature française (1500-1800) 5