
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Line Academic and scientific development 3 4
Line Organisation and Collaboration year 3 1
Line professional development 3
Linear Algebra and Differential Equotations (LINDIF) 6
Linguistic Fieldwork A 5
Linguistic Fieldwork B 5
Linguistics of South Africa 5
Literary careers: authorship in Dutch literature 1600-1800 5
Literature and film 5
Literature in manuscript and print in the Low Countries 5
Literatuur: Historische Avant-garde en Modernisme (Stromingen 2) 10
Literatuur: Postmodernism (Movements 3) 10
LOT Summer School/Winter School 10
MA Thesis JNM 10
Maintaining Law and Order, or Imperial Communication? Imperial Legislation in Late Antiquity 10
Manchu & Manchustudies III 5
Marketing Management 5
Marketing Management & Culture 5
Markets and Power. The World Economy from Merchant Capitalism to Globalisation, 1500-present 5
Mass Communication Law 5
Master Thesis 24
Master Thesis: Forensic Criminology 20
Master Thesis: Safety Policy and Law Enforcement 20
Masterminds Challenge 2
Mathematical Methods of Physics 6
Matrimonial Property Law 10
Mediation 5
Mediation 5
Medieval paleography 5
Medieval short stories 5
Metabolic Engineering 4
Methoden en Technieken 2: kwantitatief onderzoek 5
Methoden en Technieken van Politicologisch Onderzoek 10
Methoden van klinische diagnostiek 5
Methods and Theories of Journalism Studies 5
Methods of interdisciplinary literary studies 5
Methods of Linguistic, Literary and Historical Research 5
Microscopie en Imaging 6
Middle Eastern Studies: Connecting to the Labour Market 5
Minor/ Elective package (15 EC) 15
Model citizens and scapegoats: mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion in Dutch society 10
Modern China: Cultural Anthropology 5
Modern Hebrew Texts 2 5
Modern Persian Texts 5
Moderne Russische taalkunde 10
Moleculaire Genetica 2 (BIO) 6
Moleculaire Microbiologie 5
Molecular Biophysics 4
Molecular Design (voor Bioinformatica) 12
Monasteries and Society in the Netherlands up to 1600 10