
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Mandarijn IB 10
Mandarijn IIB 5
Marketing Management & Culture 5
Markets and Power. The World Economy from Merchant Capitalism to Globalisation, 1500-present 5
Master Thesis 24
Mathematical Methods of Physics 6
Media Persian 5
Medieval short stories 5
Mentoraat 0
Mentoraat BA1 Koreastudies 0
Mentoraat Bestuurskunde Ba1
Mentoraat Bestuurskunde Ba2
Mentoraat GLTC 0
Metabolic Engineering 4
Methoden van klinische diagnostiek 5
Methods of Chemical Analysis CAM) 3
Methods of Linguistic, Literary and Historical Research 5
Microscopie en Imaging 6
Middle Eastern Studies: Connecting to the Labour Market 5
Milieubiologie 3
Minor/ Elective package (15 EC) 15
Modern China: Cultural Anthropology 5
Modern Hebrew Texts 1 5
Modern History of Korea 5
Modern Persian Texts 5
Moderne Italiaanse letterkunde 5
Module on Career Preperation Year 1
Module on Career Preperation Year 2
Module on Career Preperation Year 3
Moleculaire Genetica 2 (BIO) 6
Moleculaire Genetica 2 voor Bioinformatica 3
Moleculaire Microbiologie voor Bioinformatici 3
Molecular Biology for Physicists 3
Molecular Physics 4
Monsters 5
Moot Court 5
Moral Psychology 10
Morfologie 5
Moroccan Arabic for Beginners 5
Moroccans in the Netherlands: from guest worker to transnational citizen 10
MSA reading skills 5
MSA: fiction 5
MSA: non-fiction 5
MSA: writing skills 5
Multi-level governance 5
Multivariate Analysis: from Data to Report 5
Music: Practicum Musicae 3, Royal Conservatoire 10
Na de vluchtelingencrisis: grenzen, visa, migratie en asiel 5
Narrative care: creatief schrijven voor zorgprofessionals 5
Nassaus in the Netherlands. Dynastic Culture in the Early Modern Period 10