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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Systeembiologie 3
Tax Ethics 5
Taxation of Enterprises 10
Telecommunications Law 5
Text genres 5
Text, power, and money: literature in modern China 5
Texts Seminar 5
The Color of Money and the Price of Sex in Global Empires 10
The Dutch language as a cognitive system 2 5
The Enlightenment and its oddities: science, magic and deviant religion 5
The fringes of the Enlightenment: ideas of progress and colonial catergoization in Asia, 1700 - 1870 10
The Great divergence: welfare and the standard of living in a globalising world, 1750-1914 10
The History of Morocco 5
The Italian City State (1000-1500): a Comparative Perspective 10
The laboratory of the medievalist 5
The Law and the Individual 10
The literary field 5
The metamorphosis of Ovid’s Metamorphoses 5
The murder and its aftermath. The Holocaust and the Netherlands, 1940 to the present 5
The Plague and the City in Premodernity 10
The power of words 5
The Russian Economy 10
The Spanish Empire in the Sixteenth Century 10
The Weimarrepublic, 1918-1933: the vulnerability of democracy 10
The world in the city. Urban politics and culture in the Netherlands, 1795-1898 10
The World of Late Antiquity 5
Thema Effecten van geneesmiddelen 3 5
Theoretical Chemistry (TC) 6
Thesis master fiscal law 10
Thesis seminar 0
Thesis Seminar Ancient Near East Studies 0
Thesis Seminar BA ATC 0
Thesis Seminar Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development - Fall 2019 20
Thesis Seminar Nederlandse Politiek - Fall 2019 20
Thesis Seminar Nederlandse Politiek - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Philosophy 0
Thesis Tutorial 2 5
Third Cinema 5
Topical Reading: Histories of Unfreedom of Bloodshed on Korean Peninsula 10
Topical Reading: The Social Construction of the Past 10
Topics in Greek papyrology (texts in translation) 5
Topologie 6
Toxicologie 4
Transatlantic Ties from Truman to Trump 10
Transmissie en transformatie van cultuur in Europa, 800-1700 5
Troubled Waters – the Dutch Republic and the American Revolution (1664-1783) 10
Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy Law 5
Tutorial Labour Law (1) 10
Tweedetaalverwerving: de invloed van moedertaal en taalaanleg 5
Tweedetaalverwerving: didactiek en toetsing 5