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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Linear & generalized linear models and linear algebra 9
Linear Analysis (BM) 6
Linguistic Fieldwork A 5
Linguistic Fieldwork B 5
Linguistics 5: English Sentence Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistics 5: English Sentence Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistics 5: English Sound Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistics 6: Language Change 10
Literaire loopbanen. Auteurschap in de Nederlandse literatuur 1600-1800 5
Literature 5A: American Literature, 1917 to the present 10
Literature 5B: Anglo-American Modernism 10
Literature 5C: Political Shakespeare 10
Literature 5D: Introduction to American film 10
Literature 6A: Contemporary Literatures in English 10
Literature Review 6
Literatuur in handschrift en druk in de Lage Landen 5
Literatuur: Postmodernisme (Stromingen 3) 10
Lob und Veriss. Literaturkritisches Schreiben vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert 5/10
Logic and Phenomenology 10
Machine Learning Theory (MM) 8
Material and Historical Methods 5
Mathematical Biology (MM) 8
Mathematical Statistics (BM) 6
Mechanical Metamaterials 6
Mensenhandel: Een benadering vanuit juridisch, beleidsmatig en sociaalwetenschappelijk perspectief 5
Mensenhandel: Een interdisciplinair perspectief 5
Metaethics 10
Methoden van de interdisciplinaire letterkunde 5
Methoden van klinische diagnostiek 5
Migration and Integration 10
Minds Matter: American Public Intellectuals and their Ideas 10
Minor/Keuzevakkenpakket (15 EC) 15
Modern Quantum Chemistry (MQC) 6
Modular Forms (MM) 8
Molecular Biology (MB) 6
Molecular Chemistry (MC) 6
Molecular Design (voor Bioinformatica) 12
Molecular Design: Biotechnology-oriented Engineering of Life 12
Moot Court Fiscaal 5
Morele psychologie 10
Motivation 5
Multiscale Mathematical Biology (BM) 6
Music in Contemporary Society: Its Role, Function and Position 5
Muziek: Practicum Musicae 3, Koninklijk Conservatorium 10
Na de vluchtelingencrisis: grenzen, visa, migratie en asiel 5
Nanotechnology (Delft) 6
Narrative care: creatief schrijven voor zorgprofessionals 5
Navigating History: New Perspectives on Maritime History 10
Nederland en de Europese Unie 10
Nederlandse Taalkunde: Tweetaal 5